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Kelly Greer

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  • Main editing computer
    Mac laptop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Nikon d500, Sigma 17-70, Sigma art 18-35, YN speedlights, PLM silver with diffuser, white shoot through umbrella

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  1. Nope. I don't even want the new mac features. I'm good. Thanks!
  2. I'm on a 2019 Macbook Pro and running Monterey and PS CC 2023 - Already turned off ALL PS updates. Should I stay on Monterey, as well? No more OS upgrading? (I came to ask, and saw this thread.)
  3. Yup. It's been turned off. I must have done one too many manual updates just on ACR, believing them when it said it was just support for new camera models. I'm happy where I'm at, with my 4 year old computer that cost plenty. Thank you for all of your help.
  4. Update: It DID help. Much better.
  5. Who didn't restart bridge after install? This girl. All squared away! Now to see if it helps.
  6. And I have 350gb free of 1 tb, ran clean my mac this morning, and restarted after.
  7. Have done. My computer has been running slow in ACR. I think I need to roll back a version (maybe did one too many updates before I stopped.) I found where to download 14.5 (I'm on 15.5), but installing it did nothing. 15.5 is still coming up. Help?
  8. Thiiiiis close. K. I have that off now. Thank you!
  9. Hi 👋 Me again. This error started popping up yesterday. I went and read the posts you have on it. I already turned off auto-updating last month, per our previous conversation. I'm assuming this is just warning me of what we already know for the future? However, should I have Automatic graphics switching turned off? Thanks!
  10. That's what I thought. The idea of getting backdrops filled in with one click is tempting, but I'll stay where I am and start saving. Thank you. I am definitely not the 5 image person. 🤣
  11. I've attached my stats - am I upgrading my OS and upgrading to the new PS, or am I staying where I am? 1 TB HD
  12. Brian. I called ahead. She said they could do it in-store, but couldn't tell me if they had inventory. I went in. They no longer do any repairs in store. And the battery is in such a place that I'll be getting a new keyboard, too. After the 3-5 business days repair.
  13. Talk me down, Brian! Would you go to Apple and have them replace the battery for $268, or attempt do do it yourself for $75? 😂 I replaced lots of things on my old macbook. I know this one isn't supposed to be opened by the general public, and this battery looks intense....but they can't even guarantee if I drive the 35 minutes there that they'll have the battery! WTF. Ok, this is all. Tell me I'm dumb and need to go in.
  14. 😇 🙌 Backed up computer, got up to 590 gb free, upgraded to big sure, updated chrome via chrome, and all is well again in Kelly-land!! Thank you, AGAIN, for your help and expertise!! Big Sure. It's like a Big Shrug but more meh.
  15. I loved Firefox for a long time...I feel like I switched to Chrome because it wasn't color-managed, maybe? But now it is, right? Who can resist a red-panda browser? 2nd - Is Big Sur a safe upgrade now? For Photoshop CC? If so, I can definitely do that. I just wait until you say it's good. I am certain that I allowed Clean My Mac to delete something I shouldn't have. ::shrug::
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