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Everything posted by KateD

  1. Lesson learnt - again! Thank you.
  2. ARSE! I know it's very bad and I'm usually strict about heeding your advise on that. I did a headswap and straightened and cropped at the same time. Bracing myself for a massive slap!...
  3. Hi, I've just extended a photo for a canvas wrap using your instructions. It's the first time I've needed to do it and it was a nightmare! So I'm feeling anxious about sending it to print. It's a bit scrappy in places but I keep remembering your comment about how no-one looks at the edges so hoping it's ok. Anyway, I've included the picture with a template showing through so you can see where I started. I also wondered if it would help to darken the edges slightly? What do you reckon? Thank you for any words of wisdom! Kate
  4. Hi, Is careful cloning the best way to deal with this or is there a better/quicker way? I'm having trouble knowing where to stop to get a natural result so any advice you can impart will be very gratefully received! Many thanks Kate
  5. I know, I know, I know. It's literally just a tiny tweak to the tone curve normally to adjust contrast when the action doesn't give me exactly what I want. I can do the same thing in PS but then I have to do each one individually. Maybe I need to make some adjustments to my action...
  6. Thanks for your reply Christina. Yeah, that's what I've been doing and it's not ideal when I've got several hundred images to do! I've also tried your suggestion but I ended up re-importing them as sometimes I like to make final tiny tweaks in LR and then sync all the similar images before I export. The action just does my matte vomit or mono conversion. I was hoping there was a magic technique that I didn't know about.
  7. I often need to take multiple photos from LR into PS to have the same action applied. I would love to find a method of doing this that makes them pop back into my LR filmstrip next to the original after they've saved. It works perfectly if I just do one at a time but I can't work out an efficient method for doing multiples. Any ideas? Many thanks Kate
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