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Everything posted by Brink101112
Thanks so much for your help. It's great to have a resource as wonderful as you available.
I just wanted to say thanks again. I pulled the trigger on getting this one and just on a random chance logged into my work (eBay) discounts page and there was a link. I was able to get it for $1460 instead of the 1820- the exact thing. Made me feel pretty good. I'll keep in mind the suggestions to get rid of that crummy McAffee crap and get the other protector. Should be here about 21 January.
I need to know how to reset my Bridge. Danged it. Something happened and suddenly, none of my settings are as they should be. It's showing everything, my Spyder Chrome and all of my icons but not any of my folders or the names for the folders. I use c6 so no updates happening just strange very strange. I'm sure it's operator error
Thanks so much for all the help. I didn't even click on the options when I bought my custom hp pavillion I just had my ex take care of it since he was a vp at hp. I got his discount so saved a ton.
oh the J5 is an adapter I have and am using it with my work laptop to be able to connect 2 hdmi monitors to the one video card Also, Dell chat can't configure this particular computer, something about their limitations for being the business site. I wonder if I chat back in and chose the home option instead of business if the agent will be able to configure the one that we want? I'm cool buying whatever I need to buy to have a decent one for a long time. I know their job is to sell me on what they can configure not what you've already done for me. The struggle is REAL. I'll chat back in after a bit. He tried to tell me that the only option the business site is "However We have the XPS 8940 Desktop on Dell Business Web site it comes with Windows 10 Pro OS and comes only with CD/DVD drive only" I've asked multiple times if the cd/dvd drive is only a reader or writer and he's ignored me so he has lost this sale even if it was what I wanted.
Are the display port hdmi adapters the J5 adapter thing? I have one of those on my work laptop and am now running multiple HDMI displays. Ok, I'm not a serious power user I only edit photos and rarely check emails from my pc Also working from home we are in the dreaded Citrix environment which of course is oh so stable and functional.
I won't be using this computer to work from home. I have one that they provided me. I want to keep anything work related off of my personal computer.
HDMI and I purchased the Dell 27" se2717Hc I believe are their model numbers. I am using one on my work computer now and one with my laptop but would like to have dual screens ultimately
Yeah this isn't bad at all. I'm good spending decent money on things to get a stable environment. I've been wanting a desktop to edit on but didn't have the space to put one before and now I do have a home office and can keep that light constant (thanks to Damien my editing life has improved dramatically). I just found out my employer is giving us a $1200 bonus check at the end of this week to help with making our workstations more comfortable while working from home. I am going to use that and a bit of what I have set aside for this purchase to just pull the trigger. I did pick up those wonderful 27" screens that you suggested on here and LOVE them. That's the other thing I'll be able to run 2 monitors off of this new upgraded video card right?
That's precisely why I'm asking you. I sent the Dell chat guy the specs in the article on what to buy. I can spend whatever but would love to be under $1500 if possible.
Brian, I chatted in with Dell tech support today and gave them the specs that you suggest for a computer. My 2012 HP Pavillion laptop is randomly flashing a black screen at me so I'm being proactive here. This is what they came up with, is there anything on here I don't need or could or should alter? I'm not one to rush out an buy a new pc at the drop of an hat. I use CS6 because it is what I have and don't really like change. I use my perfectly wonderful D800's for shooting again, it's what I have. I do have an iPhone 11 but that is because my 8+'s shattered the screen couldn't be repaired. I did pick up 2 of the Dell 27" IPS monitors that you suggest so I have those already. I don't need keyboards or a mouse that they have in there either. I'm open to suggestions for sure. https://www.dell.com/en-us/work/shop/pdr/precision-3640-workstation/xctop3640us_vivp?selectionState=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&cartItemId=
Headset on windows 10 home
Brink101112 replied to Brink101112's topic in The Windows & PC Hardware Forum
We figured it out with a bit of hitting this button and tweaking that one. I’m good to go- 1 reply
- 1
Brian, im currently working from home and have a kind of funky setup. I’m using a cordless Plantronics headset with an unique switch, photos added. I have no idea why type of settings I should have selected on the Wonderful Asus laptop they provided. I can’t hear on the headset and nobody can hear me. My it felt have been saying oh just plug in that usb cord. Yeah, isn’t working that way so I’m going to need some more guidance. So I figured head on over here to a professional. When I am working I’m taking phone calls in the Citrix environment. When we are in the office my switch has a plug from the Ethernet port on the back of the switch to the rj11 on the desk phone. We don’t have a desk phone here at home. any help you could provide would be helpful for sure. These are slightly different because they are ada and set to go over my hearing aids. I’m the only one out of 1100 people with this type of set up.
Monitors, dual HP laptop Dell p2419H
Brink101112 replied to Brink101112's topic in Photo Gear & Equipment
Thanks for this help. I'm just trying to wear the hubby down, we are both essential workers (I'm working from home though) and so the money is still coming in at this time. He just doesn't see the NEED to have a new monitor when he doesn't have a new iPad. He doesn't earn money with his iPad, fwiw. But I digress. I appreciate your help. I'm going to be just using the pos asus and that pos monitor that they gave me to work from home. It is certainly less than ideal. I tried to connect my HP laptop to the display monitor and I keep getting an error message that the windows driver didn't start properly. So if you know anything about that I'd love to learn more. My laptop has a 15" screen they gave us 13" screens and when you're used to running multiple programs and now running Citrix and the multiple tools inside that on one little screen it's frustrating. I wanted the more space but am going to just sit tight because I don't want anything to harm my laptop at this time. -
so I'm trying to use my work from home monitor (color is way off even after calibrating twice with the ColorMunki Display. It's connected to my HP laptop which matches my prints. This is a temporary monitor until I can buy one that will work for editing properly. Just want to know if the two screens should be closer, the Dell is much more red while the HP is more on the blue side. Question: is it possible to use this larger monitor to edit photos? It's connected with an HDMI plug Question: Which monitors would be best and I'd love to go 32" if possible without breaking the bank. My budget will be under $600
X-Rite ColorMunki Display
Brink101112 replied to Brink101112's topic in Monitor calibration questions or problems
Got my monitor calibrated and giving the RAW class a review. I'm just wondering if trying the 2012 sliders might help me even more with my raw processing or should I continue to use the 2010? Does it make a difference? I'm running CS6 -
X-Rite ColorMunki Display
Brink101112 replied to Brink101112's topic in Monitor calibration questions or problems
So I went to download the updated drivers and that is no longer an option. I'm less than thrilled it doesn't appear to work on Windows 10. Are there any work arounds or do I need to break the bank at this time and buy * cough * cough (not sick just hating to spend money at this time) a new one? The Spyder 5? I have an HP laptop which is approximately 6 years old and still going strong.
Error Identified after running Glary5
Brink101112 replied to Brink101112's topic in The Windows & PC Hardware Forum
Windows 10 -
Error Identified after running Glary5
Brink101112 replied to Brink101112's topic in The Windows & PC Hardware Forum
I'm the Administrator for the laptop -
I am receiving an error. Volume label is Glary Utilities 5. Stage 1: Examining basic file system structure ... 657664 file records processed. File verification completed. 36735 large file records processed. 0 bad file records processed. Stage 2: Examining file name linkage ... 40979 reparse records processed. Index entry 0c8dcad7-e15e-4131-af6c-a3a86f633075.csv in index $I30 of file 555 is incorrect. Index entry 0C8DCA~1.CSV in index $I30 of file 555 is incorrect. Index entry 1-b7f8-5d64091e in index $I30 of file 4631 is incorrect. Index entry 1-B7F8~1 in index $I30 of file 4631 is incorrect. 876102 index entries processed. Index verification completed. Errors found. Glary Utilities 5 cannot continue in read-only mode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CheckDisk found 1 disk errors as follows: C:\ Any suggestions?
Best way to remove the harsh shadows
Brink101112 replied to Brink101112's topic in Help with editing
I can't remember where to find HOW to do that, like each step to get the screen shot and I know the 100% one, but how to add the screenshot of the ACR post into ps? -
I'm trying to use the dodge/burn technique with the soft light. My question though is it seems like it is changing the color of the image to a horrible orange. Maybe I'm just not finishing the whole technique or doing it wrong. This is the SOOR image. The stupid flash did not fire and I have these harsh horrible shadows on this otherwise ok photo of the bride and her sisters. Help.
Christina, the problem is that when I was given the logo/watermark I was given the psd file but there are no layers on it. Damien, If it has the checkerboard squares on it, yes it does. Now, I have people telling me that not only is it a crappy dated graphic that it will be "horrible to try to use because the graphics are "open ended" so it will be hard for commercial printing" I'm just about ready to scream! Maybe I do need a different more run of the mill graphic?
Ok, So I made the logo the way that I want it now. I saved it as a PSD. Now I have no idea how to get this onto my photos. What am I missing here? Also would I be able to save this puppy as a vector so that I'll be able to use it in marketing materials and whatnot? I really appreciate your patience. For some reason I'm just really blown away at how I just am not grasping the watermark concept. I've put off editing a silly wedding because of this for goodness sake. Ok, no I put it off because I'll find virtually anything aside from editing to do...oh the windows need cleaning outside, I'm in a cast still....sure, I'll go out and do it! Then again, I know that I've learned tons of information from your classes so I'll keep coming back!!! Time to hit the sack for the night.