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  • Main editing computer
    PC desktop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator

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  1. Hi there. I'm sure this has probably already been ask here more than once (I tried searching), but Brian. I'm looking at buying a new 5TB (or higher) external back up drive. Are there any brands that are renowned to be more reliable than others? (I own a PC). Also what cloud backup have you had success with? I did find this one with a one off payment: https://www.pcloud.com/cloud-storage-pricing-plans.html?utm_source=techradar&utm_medium=article&utm_campaign=best-cloud-storage&subtag=trd-7093459011549531455
  2. Hi. I'm following this tutorial : http://www.damiensymonds.net/replace-background-hair on replacing background with hair - when you do the levels layer and you say "use the white eyedropper tool to force the background to be white (blowing out the subject in the process)" is there a tutorial on how to do that? Where do you click to get the same affect as in your example? Thank you.
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