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  • Main editing computer
    Mac laptop
  • Editing software
    Photoshop Elements
  • Monitor Calibrator

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  1. just wondered how or where to start on editing a fireworks picture? Do you follow the same raw processing workflow? below is an example i realise after processing it would need to be cropped in as far as i could at the end after levels.
  2. The picture are from my d810 which I sold last year. The files were in a folder on my iMac late 2013 which I have replaced . So when I transferred folders to hard drive in year order I know the pictures were last year 2022 but the date created shows 2014. Hope this makes sense
  3. I am sorting all pictures and have noticed that the metadata shows time created 2014 on all new or jpeg images, it used to show date and time picture taken, can I change a setting to sort this? Thanks for help
  4. i didn’t end up using that picture, but had a trial on how to apply by applying numbers
  5. Can you remind me where I put these numbers in elements and a link to the tutorial? Thanks for your help
  6. A short while ago i saw an article you posted about a quicker masking technique, i think it may of been using the alt key but i cant find it now - you may not have a clue what i am talking about but hopefully you will and can post me the link to the tutorial
  7. what causes this the sun reflection? is it fixable of just forget the lot? Thank you
  8. Easy to fix on raw and levels ? What would you suggest to fix it ?
  9. left eye looks strange and happened on a few
  10. Hi before i proceed to raw, just wondered if you have any idea what caused one eye to look strange is it a light or focus issue? pic of the two eyes below
  11. I was sure there was a totorial / guide to using gradients I wonder if you could point me in the right direction please
  12. just wondered if it will be a easy fix when i start editing hopefully tomorrow
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