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  1. Again, it is not image specific that I am referring to. It is concept. Setting myself up for success. This image is one I shot recently and really noticed the banding on. It is 8bit, though. I am not at my studio at the moment to show you one of my images from yesterday that I changed to 16bit in ACR before editing.
  2. "If you need to modify a background in PS, but can’t bear the thought of replacing it completely, then work in 16-bit to be as safe as you can." I need to modify often. I work with newborns on white backdrops and often have to paint and modify. I am trying to create the best RAW image to work from knowing I need to modify. I don't have an image in particular as you're requesting, I am asking in 'general', what is the best way to shoot and edit (to minimize banding). Then back to my 16bit changing to 8bit question. Does changing it to save as jpg negate the benefits of 16bit?
  3. Hi there, I am working to reduce banding. Damien says to edit in 16bit (I have changed ACR to 16bit), but after I edit in CS6, I change Image -> Mode -> 8bit and save as a jpg. Am I ruining the effects of changing to 16bit by a) changing to 8bit to save, and or b) saving as a jpg. I am also running the noise pattern from Damien's tutorial prior to saving. Any thoughts on this is appreciated.
  4. I'm working from this tutorial, in my set-up, the lighting is coming from camera left, thus bright on the left, and dark on the right. What is the best Gradient Fill Style to use? Linear or Radial? Linear goes top to bottom ...
  5. no, thank you, I'll read it now. Another question, though, in the replacing the backgroud article, Damien mentions banding doesn't occur on a raw image. I just did a test similar to the image above, and when I pulled the RAW file up in ACR, I could already see banding. I have a thunderbolt monitor, I don't assume it's my monitor?
  6. I read your reduce banding tutorial, but I don't understand how to use the Gradient Fill layer - how do you pick your colour? I photograph on white for the most part, I get a lot of banding, I've learned to now edit in 16-bit, which I will do going forward. Here is an image I took and edited. Banding is evident. I am trying to figure our the Gradient Fill layer, but I'm stuck here. Can you help, or point me in the right direction of a tutorial to explain this tool here is the edit without the gradient tool
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