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Everything posted by Jodie99

  1. Hi! I have starting using an external hard drive as my main drive as before I knew any better I used to save my photos to my iMac. Since I have started shooting for clients now I would like to have another hard drive as a safety net. (I also have an additional hard drive for time machine) My question is how do I mirror the hard drives? I've read about it but cannot figure out how to do it! OR would it be better to have a cloud account such as crashplan? Thanks Jodie
  2. Hi - I have been using Bridge to browse my files - all was well now its started having some glitches. I would like to do the Bridge class as well. I thought an update might be the solution as the bridge version I have been using is 2017. When I go to the creative cloud updates there seems to be 2 versions? I am running photoshop version 21.1.2 I have attached a screenshot. Many Thanks
  3. Thanks Brian, Once I've successfully moved all the folders onto my new external drive, can I copy all of that external hard drive to another external hard drive? If there is can you give me instructions? Sorry if that is a stupid question, I am relatively new to using external drives. Now I am photographing for clients I am trying to be super cautious. Thanks Jodie
  4. Hi John I deleted the folders from my hard drive that didn't have the right amount of files in them (I-had only done two) and copied them again. Now they have the right number...So I'm not sure what happened. I have attached a screenshot so you can see the internal drive and the external drive I have copied them to. Does this look right? Should I then use a cloud storage facility as well before I delete them from my internal? (I've not deleted anything yet in case it goes horribly wrong) One other thing and I'm not sure if its right, When I open a folder and the file thumbnails are loading, behind most files is a red triangle with a circle behind it...It's the topaz photo editing software symbol. I rarely use the software but it seems to be on most of my files. Ive attached a screenshot. Not sure if its connected in any way to my files not being copied correctly the first time but thought I would mention it! Thank-You so so much! Jodie
  5. Hi Brian - So I have my new hard drive set up (WD desktop 6TB) made a filing tree, I have copied and pasted a few files across to the new hard drive. I thought I would check that the number in each folder was correct and noticed that most folders have less files once I have copied them across? Eg on my internal drive in a folder from a steampunk shoot there is 83 items but only 61 items have been copied? What am I doing wrong? Thank-You.
  6. Thanks Brian, that's really helpful. is it then just a case of moving my existing photos from my internal drive to the new external drive? Should I have 2 EHD so I have a back-up or is the time machine EHD enough?
  7. Thank-You! While I have been looking for instructions on how to transfer photos from my internal drive to an external one. I came across a few articles with people saying they had trouble with Bridge not recognising the external drive.
  8. Hi Brian I have been doing photography for a few years and stupidly (because I didn't know) saved all my photos to my Macs internal drive. My Mac has slowed down and I realise I need to store my photos on an external drive. I use Bridge to view my images and camera raw and photoshop. Would it be possible to get some information on transferring the images I have to an external hard drive and how to set it all up? I do have one external drive already that runs time machine. Does Bridge work with an external drive? Many Thanks Jodie
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