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Everything posted by Jess0509

  1. Of course you can, go right ahead! I'll be posting in the Raw Class shortly as well. I need a refresher, I think.
  2. Seriously!! Thank you so much!! I've been nauseated for 2 days over this! Now.. I should probably recalibrate again right?
  3. I don't know what to do or how to even edit like this. I can't trust what adjustments I'm making. New monitor will be here tomorrow, fingers crossed that helps something. I'm excited about that anyway, I've just realized that this one is about 7 years old.
  4. alrighty! Got it! Now I'll pull up the pictures and see what happens!
  5. I'm not sure I know how to do that. I have the general preferences thing pulled up
  6. Haven't printed these, haven'e even gotten to edit them yet . I'll pull up one that I have printed really quick and see what happens.
  7. Seems if I decrease the saturation by -13 and vibrance by -8, it matches up from ACR to PS. Are there settings in ACR somewhere that would automatically change that before opening that I could have changed at some point?
  8. Alright. I uninstalled (including completely deleting the Datacolor folder), restarted the computer, reinstalled the spyder software & recalibrated (using your page with instructions). I was too frustrated to deal with it yesterday, so I did all that this morning with a clear head (trying to avoid violence :D). I have nicer colors.. I guess I needed to calibrate again. I think my monitor is dying. I used to be able to wait longer between calibrations, but it was off only after maybe 3 weeks. Possible good news, I have a new monitor coming tomorrow sometime. But I would like to rule out any other problems that may be causing this so I don't set up the new toy & only have the same thing happen. Anyway, after calibration and everything, I am still getting the same results.
  9. Will do. Have to pick the kids up from school soon, so it will be a bit before I can get back here with results. Thank you so much!
  10. I hooked up a random monitor we had here in the house. I don't understand this at all.
  11. They seem to match on the laptop screen, it's not an IPS display though so I can't edit there. What is happening?!
  12. Yep, Checked that earlier.. will recheck now just to be on the safe side
  13. Just for funzies I tried another image. I still see it a big difference. I calibrated about 3 weeks ago, still using the Spyder 4.
  14. Sorry, I meant ACR. Bridge is about the same. I don't know if I have been staring at this for too long or what. Can you see the differences or is it just me?
  15. I've checked color space and everything I could think of. Not enough coffee in the world for my brain to problem solve today. Could it be calibration related? I dont understand why it would look different between the two programs on the same screen if both are in sRGB.
  16. Son of a... I just found another post addressing what I think is the same issue. Off to read it now. I swear I searched before posting.
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