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Everything posted by Jess0509

  1. I don't know what I've done. Looks like everything is in sRGB, but something's wrong somewhere. Help? Something is obviously wrong since Bridge looks much more saturated than photoshop. I'm not even sure I've posted this correctly. **I have a PC laptop running Windows 10 and Photoshop CC17. It is under 12 months old, and has 16GB of RAM. Its hard drive has 625GB free out of 979GB. The last time I shut down was just before posting this thread. I run a cleanup program about once a month.
  2. Yep! I was making it way too difficult... Was trying to paint on a color to cancel it out. My mind isn't all here at the moment. Lots going on.. I knew it was something simple. Thanks for the help
  3. Lol. I seriously tried that.. And cloning.. Losing my mind. Thanks!
  4. My first question on the new website here. Took pictures of a little guy a few days ago & mom wants his bruise Ps'd out. I've been out of the photoshop game for too long apparently and can't figure out how to make it go away without looking weird. Help please (Included a crop!)
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