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Jennifer Casalegno

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Everything posted by Jennifer Casalegno

  1. I love the look of this photographers glowing warm shots. Specifically the seventh and 15th down. http://www.missbymarissa.com/blog/ann-arbor-senior-photographer-abbey-elizabeth/ I'd like to use these shots: Thank you!
  2. I'd like to remove the crease on her left side by the arm pit. What would you suggest? Thank you!
  3. I have her head from another shot I could use. Hadnt thought of that.
  4. I'd like to remove the pole. What would be the best way?
  5. How did you paint over it and achieve a color that's not so flat?
  6. Mom would like the license plate desaturated or removed. Everything I try looks crappy. I have 8 that need done Any suggestions?
  7. Is this an expectable pass off for a blurred fall background? I'm worried the people will look 'placed'. I am less worried about mimicking a style as I am producing a fake looking photo. Thank you!
  8. I'm stumped at the cloning stage. I'm reading over and over and not able to get it. I have a clone stamp tool and a healing brush. Which do I use?
  9. https://www.facebook.com/KarinSandersPhotography/photos/a.461667510621919.1073741833.461129224009081/710879652367369/?type=3&theater I really love the backgrounds on the photos. Can I please have some help achieving this style? Thank you!
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