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Steve of Oz

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Everything posted by Steve of Oz

  1. Hi Damien, I have done a little printing at home, but not with anything as flash as the pro1. I do profile my paper using the colour munki and would like to suggest the following to see if it helps OTOS. In The print file menu under printer set up go to print settings. Chose the paper and print quality. goto main, color/intensity. chose manual and set matching to none. Then OK Chose photoshop manages colours Underneath it chose the appropriate printer profile, for paper type and printer chose your prefered rendering intent and then Print the photo. Ive found this guy to be helpful http://www.ronmartblog.com/p/printing-series-articles.html
  2. No, I havent , but ill have a google. Thanks
  3. Hi Damien, I wish to remove the blotchyness in this baby's cheeks, would levels or skin class be more appropriate to help guide me? Regards Steve
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