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I'd allow it to do it's thing. That said, if I wanted to purge the cache weekly, you could set it by launching the preferences and changing the duration.

If you are a busy photographer who is working on new / different sessions every few days, purge the cache sooner than later. If you like taking your time and not editing batch after batch, then stick with the 30 day purging.

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Oh, it's also a good idea to keep an eye on your free HD space. With Macs, once you hit about 75% full, things like Scratch Disks and Bridge's Cache start to complain and get cranky.

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Thanks, Brian!  So I let it do it's thing and 3 hours later its still thinking. What exactly is it doing?  The only cache I've ever heard of is with your web browser.  Why would Bridge have cache?  (sorry if this is a "stupid" question)

As for my free space, I have LOTS - or at least it looks like it to me.  

Screen Shot 2016-03-24 at 11.14.30 PM.png

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You are fine. Plenty of space on both drives.

Bridge has a cache for the same reasons as your web browser does, when there is a lack of RAM, it looks to the HD to supplement which helps with performance and stability. 

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