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Christmas Silhouette

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I am looking to create a Christmas card from my son's silhouette.  I want it to have the same vibe as the silhouette nativity scenes.  I do not have a particular picture from another photographer as I have not seen any done like this.  Instead I have some inspiration links.  I would like my night sky to be realistic though.  I have done all of my RAW adjustments at this point.  



Silhouette Image.jpg

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I experimented with lots of blend modes before deciding that Linear Light looked best.  https://www.damiensymonds.net/2011/06/sometimes-you-get-lucky.html

The "Levels 1" layer isn't part of the edit, it's just the layer I used to check that I'd completely blackened the silhouette.

The Pattern Fill Layer is some noise to prevent banding: https://www.damiensymonds.net/tut_noise.html

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Thank you so much!  I will read these articles, work some more, and then show you what I come up with.  I have never played with the linear light blend mode and the pattern fill layers, so it will be great to learn something new!  Thanks for walking me through this!

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