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Calibrating two monitors with Spyder Elite 4

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I have a an Apple iMac 2011 and a MacBook Pro (20150 and I am trying to calibrate the two with a Spyder 4 elite so the screens/computers match. When you set up this process do the computers need to be physically connected or do you just run the software separately on each device? 

I have tried separately and the colours are immensely different. Any advise would be appreciated.

Thanks IMG_4901.thumb.JPG.ecb23e7323d165ca929cca9dc5412eb3.JPG

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No, they don't need to be physically connected.

I'm sorry, what you're aiming for is almost impossible.  It's very difficult even with good screens, but with POS Mac screens it's a bridge too far, I'm afraid.

I don't have instructions for the S4E, but the S5E ones won't be miles different.  Have you tried following them?  https://www.damiensymonds.net/cal_S5Elite_mac1.html

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Thanks for the reply Damien! Okay so if you cant calibrate the two to be similar. Lets work on one screen....the iMac. Okay so its calibrated as per your instructions for the spyder pro4. Screen looks good, prints look awful and totally different now. How do you bring theses two within the same range? I am using a Canon Pro 1000, do I need to tweak the screen within the spyder software? 

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Hi Damien, with the spyder 4 elite, do I calibrate for laptop or desktop for an iMac? IN one article you say desktop and another you say laptop? And in my studio I have windows and fluorescent lights (nightmare I know) so should I still turn off the ambient light reading on the spyder and turn off all the lights in the studio when calibrating? (even though that isn't my working condition)

Cheers Jess

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