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The Metadata Panel is awesome. The vital statistics of every photo are at the top, then you can drill down to find every single piece of info you could ever need:


The Keywords Panel will be familiar to anyone coming from Lightroom. It’s pre-populated with some fairly useless ones, but you can build up your own library of keywords here:


The Filter Panel is even more awesome than the Metadata one. At a stroke, you can organise your images by any parameters you wish. We’ll be talking MUCH more about this panel later in the class:


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There are quite a few Filters missing on my display, but they are checked in the categories folder.  I would like File Type on my panel.  I've tried unchecking a few to see if only a certain number can be displayed on the panel, no luck. 

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5 hours ago, mrlang30 said:

There are quite a few Filters missing on my display

Filters only appear in that list when there is something to filter.  If you haven't rated any files yet, "Ratings" won't be there.  But as soon as you give a star rating to one of the files, Ratings will appear.  Or, if there are only jpegs in a folder, File Type won't be there.  But as soon as you add another kind of file to the folder, then File Type appears.  Do you see what I mean?

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