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Now that we’ve got Bridge looking just right on screen, it’s time to get it working just right behind the scenes. In the next module we'll explore Bridge's preferences, to ensure it's running as fast as possible.

After that, we'll explore Bridge's vast functionality, and how to use it in your photographic workflow.

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I'm giving Bridge a go after using LR for a few years now.  I'm struggling with the lack of room on my screen using Bridge.  It is a small screen, but my issue is really with the font size in Bridge compared with LR. Is there a better way? I've tried changing the font size in preferences-interface but that's as small as it goes.

Thank you,





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I just signed up for the class, but am awaiting the email to get it. So I apologize if this is answered later... I finished the free part, and just have a few questions. I want to do the 30 day trial of giving up Lightroom, but I'm a little stuck on a few things.

I would like to import photos from my camera as I do in Lightroom. In LR I have it set up to create a subfolder labeled with the year, then a subfolder in that with the month. So essentially if I took photos today and imported them LR would automatically create a folder (under a main folder called Photos) called 2025 and a folder called 01 Jan. Or if I'd already created it from an earlier import, it would just choose that one because the image was taken in Jan 2025. I can see how I can create a single subfolder upon import with the shot date. But I want ALL of January's images to automatically go into a subfolder for the year and then subfolder for month. This way, it will also go into the right folder if I haven't downloaded for a few weeks. So if I have images from December 2024, the images will go into 2024-->12 Dec and 2025-->01 Jan, based on when they were shot. Doesn't take any manual creation or moving on my part. Can I do that in Bridge? If so, how?

Is there a way to "flag" with a white or black flag photos? In LR when I'm culling I just scroll through typing Ctrl+X and it black flags and moves to next photo. Then I can select all the rejected photos and delete.

Lastly, my metadata window doesn't scroll up/down or side to side. So, I have to make sure to position/size it to see the whole thing. Is that usual?


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