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Fix colour blur/flare in foreground


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Hi Damien,

I've been away from photography/editing for a while but working on some personal use shots. This one has me stumped. I've tried a number of methods but am just not getting it. I'm hoping you can assist, if this image qualifies.

The foreground blur is from someone's raised hand right in front of me as I took the shot, and I'd like to try remove/fix it.

I've tried Color blend modes with dodge and burn technique, and I've tried channel mixing, but all to no avail. I always leave an off-colour imprint.

Hope you can help, and I hope the posted image is sufficient (SOOR).



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Looks great, thank you. A million times better than my efforts, and perfect for my needs. I look forward to seeing the method to unravel the mystery I couldn't solve.

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Damien, I appreciate this. Thanks.

I'm trying to break down how you went about this, for my own learning. There are 3 masked levels layers. Can you explain how you managed to restore the original colours just from layers? Or am I missing something? Maybe this is this a course content question? I'm about to enrol in channel mixer.



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No. OK back I go and have another look. Done that, but I have difficulty understanding the reasoning behind the choice of levels for each of the colours. Is that covered in the levels classes?


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