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Just wondering the best way to go about fixing the part of the wrap where you can see it's folded underneath down the front of her? or would you leave it as is?

This is a photo I've already edited, ( I still have the PSD) I hadn't noticed the wrap initially but have since found that it kind of bothers me. 

Also I was contacted by someone from a hospital maternity ward about having a photo printed and framed to go on the wall there, She suggested this photo so naturally I'm now searching for flaws, so I'm definitely open to any other suggestions you have to improve it. 


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Ok, great.  Here's the PSD

The order of doing things will need some explanation ...

  1. Do the Channel Mixer layer, but leave its mask entirely white (so it affects the whole photo).
  2. Add the Dodge & Burn layer and clip it to the CM layer, but don't actually do anything on it yet.
  3. Add the Hue/Sat layer and clip it as well.  At this stage, the whole photo will be pink.
  4. Return to the D&B layer to do that work.  Use a very low opacity brush and work gently and patiently, until it's all as smooth as you can make it.
  5. Finally, return to the CM layer and invert the mask to black, then paint on the mask just on the area where needed.  Make sure it's a biggish soft brush that blends out nicely.
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Oh, I will definitely join soon!  This year has been a little bit chaotic and I haven't been able to do a lot of photography/editing, so I'll get onto it as soon as I'm back to taking more photos and can to give it my complete attention.

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