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Dark Contrasty look

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Hello Damien,


Thank you for your time and patience. I recently installed NIK just out of curiosity and fell in love with the Color Efex Pro - Dark Constrasts filter.
However, rather than relying on NIK, I'd like to know how I can achieve the same effect from hand editing.


This first picture is the original/starting point (only edit done was to convert to B&W)



This second one is with the NIK filter run through and then taken down to 50% (how I like it)



And the last is my final edit - I just added some levels on baby and the surrounding areas.





I'd like to know what NIK did to bring out the 'flaws' in the picture. I love how the skin is not overly 'perfect' and the filter brought that out without having to painstakingly 'dodge and burn' every bit i want enhanced.

Thank you!

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Bringing out the extra texture would be equivalently done in Photoshop with a USM or High Pass layer, I assume.  A pixel layer.  And as such, you might as well just use the NIK filter, since the effect on the workflow is the same - it would be a pixel layer either way.

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  On 5/3/2016 at 12:52 AM, inoriz said:

I was in the levels


Then why the heck are you asking how to convert to black-and-white???  Did you even read the class?

  On 5/3/2016 at 12:52 AM, inoriz said:

Which one, Damien?


The Layers & Masks one, for learning about the different layer types.

  On 5/3/2016 at 12:53 AM, inoriz said:

Just realised it could be the print sharpening one....? 



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Hey Damien, i was in the levels class quite some time back and i did take notes. I just realised you mentioned "converting to greyscale". I didn't do that. I created a new black and white adjustments layer so it wasn't destructive to the original. My terminology in the original post may have caused some misunderstanding. I just called it "convert to b&w ". 


I'll check out the layers and masks class. Should i go for the premium version to learn this type of editing specifically? 

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OK, but the files you posted here are untagged grayscale.  How did that happen?

Can you include your document profile indicator in your next screenshot?  (And please use the Snipping Tool to create your screenshots.)

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Christina, thank you for your reply. Currently i still do not have internet at home (we moved 3 months ago into this house we built and it's been a pain to get them to connect the phone line.) 


So i will have to screenshot on my computer, save to usb, connect usb to laptop, then use my phone tether to connect to the internet. 


I'll get the profile. Hang on

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I run my own action to resize them, then save as -> jpeg.

the action only resizes it. nothing else. (Well i add my watermark too but in this case i didn't)


here's the screenshot:


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Yes i can but that may have to wait till saturday night/ sunday because I'm off to work again. :( 


Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate it. 


If i could quit my job i so would!

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