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Downgrading software CC to Elements

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Hi Damien. Took your Layers, Raw and Levels classes awhile back (firstly in FB). I have had the wonderful luxury of pursuing my hobby as I have pleased up until now. Of course financial situations change and looks like it may be a good option to stop my CC subscription (I have hardly had the time to make use of it for many months) and maybe look at purchasing Elements for my hobby pics. My question is referring to your wonderful teachings which I am well and truly used to, how hard is it to adapt them to Elements/Faststone? What should I know while I am contemplating this change?

Thanks in advance,


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You will need to re-take the Levels Class in order to learn how it's done in Elements. It's only $14 to do so.

  On 1/26/2019 at 1:48 AM, Toni-Maree said:



No no no no no.  No FastStone.  Bridge is now free for everyone to use, not just Photoshop peeps.  So you'll still use Bridge.

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