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Bridge keeps sending me to my one drive after a sleep

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Brian - I'm having a bit of a problem that Damien quickly helped me figure out was due to my being in One Drive.  Basically, when my computer sleeps, Bridge will come back up to the right folder, but on my One Drive, not my Desktop.  Additionally, if I have an explorer window open, it will not be at the folder I was at, but defaults back to basically a root directory, ie, my E: drive instead of E:\Scrapbooking Elements\Travel .  This is the thread where I started this conversation: 

The biggest thing I'd like to handle is the Bridge not moving when my system sleeps.  The other would be gravy.  I've noticed that my mini bridge within PS also doesn't stay where I had it.  It basically goes offline and when I click it back online it's wherever my big bridge is.  None of this was ever anything that happened on the last laptop, so I'm assuming there is something in Windows 10 that is set to do this default stuff but I have no idea what to change.  Any ideas ? :(

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Head to your Windows Control Panel and look for "Power" or Power Configuration. I'm thinking Hibernation is messing you up, try turning it off. Also, while there set your computer to "High Performance." It will kill your battery quicker, but your laptop will run faster. You might have to turn off a few things as well, like setting the HD while on AC Power to "Never" Spin down (Or set them to 0 minutes,) and even disable sleep mode while plugged in. 

If you don't have "Control Panel" on your start menu, that's ok, just click the Start Button, and just start typing...control panel. It should appear and you simply click on it. Then change the view to "Small Icons" (Click the down arrow towards the right.) Then the Control Panel will appear and things are in alphabetical order. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what to try or what setting is guaranteed to work, it's a laptop...all trial and error. 

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Soooooooo. THIS is where the items on my desktop actually reside on my computer.  C:\Users\eodhu\OneDrive\Desktop    (I can see my desktop folders in this directory.)

C:\Users\eodhu\Desktop is actually an empty directory.  Is this normal?  Am I overthinking things and making my life difficult?  I feel like this isn't right, but I wouldn't know how to make my real desktop be this other directory.

I've temporarily deleted the Onedrive app (when I couldn't make the magic quit happening any other way).  If that is information that is or isn't helpful.


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Is "eodhu" the profile name you log in with? I'm used to "C:\Users\YOUR_PROFILE_NAME_GOES_HERE\desktop. I have no idea why your Desktop items are going into the OneDrive folder.

For example, if your login was "TammyH:"


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eodhu is the first five letters of my windows login (all things microsoft - office, live, etc.)  It's not the name that shows on my screen to login with my pin (that's Tammy Huddleston - what my eodhuddle login has as my name).   I have no idea why it's like this either.  I didn't look at it before I took OneDrive off.  Maybe I'll put it back and see if it changes back to normal.  :(


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