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iCloud photos

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Sorry if this is not the right place to ask this, but I am having the hardest time trying to figure out why and where my photos are on my iPhone that have a ! on them. It's driving me absolutely crazy. I have so many older photos on my phone and I am constantly getting "need to free up space" notification. On my phone it says my storage is full. but when I go to my desktop, it says I have all this free space and my old photos with the ! on them are not there. I just upgraded my storage and still nothing. I thought my old photos were uploading to the cloud since it kept telling me it was full, but I guess they didn't? Please help.

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It's because you have your iPhone setup to automatically back up to your iCloud account. Apple only gives you 5GB of space, and it can run out quickly, especially if you record video.

The iCloud Account that your phone is using, is under the Settings (Gear) App. At the very top you should see your Name and Apple ID, iCloud, iTunes & App Store. Tap that. Then you will see iCloud at the top of the second list. From there you can turn off Photos from automatically uploading.

Too kill the nagging pop-ups that your phone is complaining about, head to https://www.icloud.com and log in with the same account as your phone has listed at the top, just below your name. From there you will need to head into the Photos section and start deleting stuff. Then permanently delete things in iCloud as Deleted items won't automatically be deleted.

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Thank you, Brian. The problem is when I log into iCloud with my account it says I only have 11 photos. Like, there's hardly anything in the cloud which is why I don't understand why I keep getting this pop up. I've looked in all the folder to the left and there's only 11 photos. So frustrating!

When I go to turn off photos I get the pop up that says, "Do you want to download a copy of your iCloud Photos to this iPhone?" And according to my iPhone, I'm just about at max capacity so I cannot do this now. I am currently trying to upload photos and videos to Dropbox.


Plus, I literally only have like 6 apps on my phone.

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You didn’t say your phone was that full. How large is the capacity? What model? What is being stored on your phone? It’s not Apps, it’s usually music, photos and video. What iOS are you running? 

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Copy them to your Mac HD. Then try running them from your Mac. If they still don't work, I really don't know what to tell you. Try copying them again, they could have been corrupted during the data transfer.

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If you can't view the movies on your phone, I can only think of a couple of things.

  1. You are REALLY low on space and your Phone can't handle it.
  2. The videos are corrupted and there is nothing you can do.

I think you can use iTunes to move stuff over, but it's been such a long time since I've done that. I'm sure there are YouTube Videos that can give you step-by-step instructions. As for $30 per day, yeah...a software developer needs to make something for their time-and-talents. Just like Photography. LOL!! I swear, Photographers in here will bitch that they have to actually pay for software, but when it comes to people not wanting to pay for photos/sessions, they get their knickers in a twist. You can't have it both ways. ;) If these videos are THAT important to you, then pony up the $30. Otherwise, you will need to wait 24 Hours.

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That is NOT GOOD.


When a Apple Device gets that full, you are asking for Data-Corruption handed to you on a Silver Platter by a Butler who is wearing white gloves. As of right now, I'd say those videos have a very good chance of being corrupted / lost forever. It's time to delete those 75 photos of your lunch from 5 years ago. You need to delete stuff. Like now. Hopefully you can get at least 10GB free, and more is better.

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