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Frame.work laptop?

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Have you heard of the Framework "DIY" laptop? Would you consider it for photography? https://frame.work/
I love that you can choose each individual component you want and swap them out/upgrade them later on, and super convenient to be able to choose your ports. It seems like this one gets around the problem of planned obsolescence, at least at first glance.
I can't find info on the display on the website, so I assume it's non-IPS, but I plan on getting an external matte monitor either way. The only thing I notice right off the bat being really problematic is that the graphics card doesn't have a dedicated video GPU (Intel Iris Xe). They're a new company, so I'm hoping maybe in the future they'll have a model with more graphics card choices.
So - with all that being said, any thoughts on this laptop? Would you go for it or skip it, maybe wait it out a year or two? (I'm not in dire need of a new laptop right now, so I've got time!)
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If it doesn’t have a dedicated graphics GPU with dedicated video memory, I don’t care how modular it is, Photoshop CC will not like it. 

Seriously. If you want to waste money, I take donations, I will put it to good use and spend it for you. :D

if you want modular without problems, build your own PC and let go of the “Laptop” way of thinking. Or get one from some place that builds them, like Digital Storm.

I know, portable, don’t have space, I prefer a laptop…

I’ve heard them all. Laptops you get a good 4 years on the average if you buy it right. They are practically all crap today with planned obsolescence build right into them. Even fancy $4200 MacBook Pro Laptops. 

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Oh, one other thing, while the modular concept is tempting, it has been tried before.

Unfortunately, none of these companies are still in business. So while it sounds like a good idea, the modular concept won’t do you any good if the company doesn’t stick around. 

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