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Dell monitor purchase


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I'm on Dell's website, completely overwhelmed by all the monitor choices. I'd like to spend around $300. I know I need the IPS, but other than that I'm lost. Is this a good option? http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&sku=210-AJIY


What are DVI and VGA ports? And forgive my ignorance, but does this come with a cord or do I need to purchase that separately?

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VGA is also known as a D-Sub Port. 


It's the display port that has been around since 1989, the "standard" 15-pin video port that everyone is used to seeing. Its usually blue in color on today's computers. Its technology that has worked well over the years, but it wasn't meant for today's fancy flat screen displays. VGA ports really were only meant for 20" CRT (Tube) Displays maximum, maybe 21"  

For a better experience with a current flat screen, it's best to have a digital connection, such as HDMI or DVI-D cable/port. HDMI looks like a big USB port and DVI is the White Connector with lots of pins.

Before we get ahead of ourselves, could you take a photo of the back of your computer or ports on your laptop and post it? It will speed up my recommendations. 

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If you really want to stick to a $1000 budget, I'd get the $649 XPS 8900:


Get this monitor to go with it:


Total cost before shipping and tax, about $875. Of course, a more realistic budget should be around $1500.

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Yes, I added office and the one I posted had 2T of ram instead of 1. 

Would you recommend that monitor I posted or do you like the one from Amazon better. What exactly am I looking for spec wise? 

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3 hours ago, Ashley said:

What exactly am I looking for spec wise? 

IPS. Matte Screen or Matte Coating (aka Anti-Glare Hard Coat 3H.) You want Non-Glossy for editing photos. The monitor I linked to is "Last Year's Model" of the one that you posted and I think the 2515 is slightly larger. Either the Dell 2515H (one you linked to) or the Dell 2414H (one I linked to) is perfect. I thought about getting a dual monitor setup with stand for my next Windows Computer. But that's just me.

You COULD go with a 1TB HD to save some cash now and then add a Hard Drive at a later point. Like a 4TB Western Digital Caviar Black 7200RPM HD. There is room inside the computer to add one. Yes, it's pretty easy. Yes, you can do it. I can help.

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