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New calibrator

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I loaned my Spyder3, which worked perfectly on both PC and laptop, to a family member who lost it. :(

So I ordered a Sypyder5Express. Since loading that my printed skin colors (from 2 labs) have magenta  that my screen does not (from both screens).  Reading here I saw something about uninstalling previous calibrations in two places on my computer before attempting re calibrating.  I cant' find the page where you talked about that.  I'm guessing that is something I should be doing?

 I did find restore my monitor to factory settings but my screen looks the same other than my screen is a bit brighter. 

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It must have been, I bought it used on line some years ago for $100.   But my question about un installing is probably moot, since I remembered that not too long ago I had my PC restored to its factory settings so the calibrator was not even in my list of programs.  

I went forward and downloaded and re calibrated and what I am seeing on my screen is very closely matching the prints that I was using....as in more magenta than I want.  I will be busy redoing that gallery now. 

And guess what!  I now have an email from Spyder saying that I can upgrade to Spyder Pro for $60.00.  I shouldn't do it but I am weak.  If I do that, it leads me back to my original question.  Do I have to delete uninstall x2 from my programs folder?

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