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BEC Editing ??

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Hey Damien, I have a seen this style "BEC"  photo editing becoming popular and was wondering how to achieve it. I've asked multiple photographers and purchased various courses watching them basically edit without any real explanation to what they are doing and why. I've read many of your posts and have already learned a couple valuable tricks/ tools to use so thanks for that! Anywho, this "bold, emotional, and colorful" style editing what are your thoughts? 

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webiste of many photographers using the same kind of style https://www.boldemotionalcolorful.com/

Id love to see how this type of style could look on my images. I'm struggling to be cohesive with editing  my images in the same style. 

here is my website for reference to how back and forth my editing is. www.prettylittlerebelphoto.com

I would love to steer clear of the matte filter look and ugly orange/brown color layers/ masks. 

here is an image of mine to practice on. 


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My Windows laptop is not calibrated yet but I will order a calibrator as soon as I can. In the meantime I have compared it to my pro lab prints and found that I needed to adjust it quite a bit.

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