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Hi Brian, I need your help in the worst way. I hate to say this but my problem has been going on for a while. Only getting worse the last week or so. I have been getting the BSOD when I am doing my Levels edits for class. I have finally gotten in the habit of saving my work every 15-20 minutes to keep from having to start over. Right now, I am locked out of Windows because of too many failed sign- in attempts or Blue Screens. It’s been the Blue screens. I tried the dell diagnostics today. It didn’t help.

So, I know you need information. I have a Dell Inspiron 5515 using a larger monitor.

OS Windows   Windows 10 Home, 64-bit might be Pro it could have upgraded to Windows 11  not sure

That's as far as I can get with my iPad. Let me know what you need in the way of information. You might have to tell me how to find it. I did take pictures of my blue screens if that helps






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Okay..accessed my invoice at Dell.

Hard Drive 1TB M.2 PCIe NVMe Solid State Drive  Item number: 400-BMDY

Memory  16GB, 2x8GB, DDR4, 3200MHz Item number: 370-AGHJ

Operating System  Windows 11 Home, English  Item number: 619-APSQ  so I had it with Vwin 11 not 10

Processor AMD Ryzen(TM) 7 5700U 8-core/16-thread Mobile Processor with Radeon(TM) Graphics Item number: 338-BZIK

Video Card AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics with shared graphics memory Item number: 490-BGOV

Anything Else?
Thank You


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These two errors, "System Service Exception" and "Kmode exception" lead me to believe you have outdated drivers. More than likely, outdated Video Drivers, especially if you are using Windows 11. Before you get into Photoshop, I want you to find the Dell Utility that reaches out to the Dell Mothership and does a scan for your computer. I want you to do this scan and update ALL THE DRIVERS THAT IT RECOMMENDS. Do not rely on Microsoft to update "Drivers," often they create more problems than they fix. I want you to scan for the Dell Drivers, update them and see how that works for you.

Other possible issues, Hard Drive is corrupting files or your RAM has issues, but I'm really leaning towards a Video Card Driver, Chipset Driver, etc.

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Funny how when I went to diagnostics, it said all drivers were up to date. Then I searched for my drivers and found 4 critical and 2 recommended.    I got one BSOD during this driver install. Let's see how it does now. Will keep you posted. Thanks

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You have outdated drivers that aren't playing well with Windows 11. That laptop has been discontinued by Dell, and I'm sure most of the Drivers have been "Orphaned" and really aren't updated to make it more compatible with Windows 11.

Two choices:

  1. Take your computer into a Tech Shop and have them Nuke the HD (Wipe it) and install a fresh copy of Windows 11. There is no guarantee that this will work, but if you do have some sort of corruption of drivers, this should clear it. But again...no guarantees that this will work and you might be back at square one.
  2. Time for a new Laptop. It's only money, right? Windows 11 is really pushing older hardware. What do I mean when I say "Older?" Devices that are 2-3 years old or more. The biggest mistake you did is upgrade to Windows 11. (I know, Micro$oft bugs you about it and makes things so tempting.)
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Oh here is your error message meaning:



As you can see, a software bug in the driver. I'm thinking the Dell Drivers for your laptop just suck with Windows 11. Maybe you can Nuke it and go back to Windows 10. I would however, backup important files while you can. Right now you can get into your Laptop, even if it's just for a short time. Eventually...this won't be an option.


Things like files and images, license numbers for software. Backup Actions and Brushes. Have it in your mind that your laptop is a Ticking Time Bomb and eventually you won't get into it. So backup!! No editing Photos, get backed up. Buy a 128GB Thumbdrive and copy stuff there.

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I just did a quick Google Search with your laptop and Windows 11, and it seems lots of other folks are having similar issues that you are having. I'm thinking Windows 11 just doesn't like your laptop, or specifically, the Dell Drivers just suck and Windows 11 crashes. At this point, if you do take in your laptop to have it Nuked, see if you can go back to Windows 10 and stay there.

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I got 2 blue screens  one as I was backing up and the other as I was coming her to tell you about the 1st Blue screen. I am going to have to pull my files ober to my external drive a few at a time.

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Time for an update on my blue screen problem. I moved all (i hope) of my important stuff to my External Hard drive. My original OS was Win 10. I don't know how it changed to 11. Anyway, I did an OS recovery to the factory defaults.  So far so good. The next few days will be adding stuff back. So far, I have PS and BR reinstalled. I'm getting a 119 error on Creative Cloud. I'll tackle that tomorrow.

What will happen in October when MS won't be supporting Win 10? I can't afford another computer right now and I don't do my photos as a business. It's an old lady hobby.

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18 hours ago, MartieTy said:

What will happen in October when MS won't be supporting Win 10? I

Nothing. Windows 10 will continue to work like it always has. There just won't be any further bug-fixes / patches / security updates, etc. So as time goes on, Windows 10 will become more vulnerable to things, and those things WebRoot may not be able to help you out with. 

For the moment, start saving for a new laptop/computer and a system restore back to Windows 10 is a good first step.

19 hours ago, MartieTy said:

I'm getting a 119 error on Creative Cloud. I'll tackle that tomorrow.

That's the Adobe App not talking to the Adobe Mothership. It's a communication issue. You might have to un-install and re-install the Photoshop CC App. You might have to contact Adobe as well.

19 hours ago, MartieTy said:

. My original OS was Win 10. I don't know how it changed to 11.

Microsoft is sneaky like that. If your laptop can support Win 11, MSFT will push down the update, and when you run Windows Update (or it's triggered in some way,) Windows 11 will install. So since you are on the Home Edition, you will need to stay on top of things and not let it install.

Sidenote: If the BSOD keep appearing, even with Windows 10, I suspect a failing HD or faulty RAM being the culprit. But 1st things 1st, let's get you settled back into Windows 10.

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Hi.. It gets to a place where it pushed 11 and I can find no way to stop it, I think I did recovery 3 times today. It's on 11. My thoughts are to find the software and clean the HD and do a brand new upgrade.  I looked at new desktops as I can upgrade them.. Well my son can do the work. To get the specs you have listed, it's way out of my price range. So not sure what I can do if need be. 

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Use the Windows Media Creation Tool to create a Windows 10 64-Bit Thumb Drive. You will need at least a blank 16GB Thumbdrive for this. Or you could use a 32GB. In the past, 8GB Thumbdrives were fine, but Windows 10 is a little too big these days and I like having a little wiggle room. 

Boot from that, delete existing partitions and reinstall Windows 10 Home 64-bit from scratch. I would also download the Dell Drivers for your WiFi / Ethernet Port so you can get out to the internet and download other drivers before doing anything. (Or just grab video drivers, chipset drivers, or use Dell’s Support Website to scan your computer and download everything for you. (This is why it’s so important to get the Ethernet / Wi-Fi Drivers First, so you can get online.)

Again, this method will NUKE your Main HD, so be sure to backup ALL important files and such. 

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It also could be a great time to replace your existing internal HD with a Samsung Evo 870 2TB SSD Drive. This way you can pull the existing HD and not touch it, and start from a clean SSD Drive from scratch. You still will need to create a Windows 10 64 bit Home Thumb Drive. 

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It depends on the laptop. Yes is the short answer, but “It depends…” is probably a more accurate answer. 

If the laptop has screws and/or an access panel, it’s relatively straightforward. That said, laptops are becoming more and more integrated and sealed units; in which case you could really break something even if you are careful. 

it might be better to take it to a repair shop that specializes in Laptop Repair and have them swap out the drive. Have them install Windows 10. Even though there is money involved, it will be way cheaper than forking out a few thousand on a new laptop. 

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Hi Brian, I hope you don’t mind me adding to this thread. All has been going good after my clean OS 10 install. Keeping that thumb drive save for the future. As I said, all was good until yesterday when the blue screens started again. I will check driver updates later on. Anyway, I have a big favor to ask. Would you be willing to check Dell’s site and look over the desk tops they have. I can’t afford the specs that you suggest. So I need a desktop that is affordable and that I can change out parts when needed. Like if I need more memory, I can add it.Or if I need a new graphic card I can get a new one. I don’t do photography as a business, but is something I have enjoyed since I retired.

i just don’t know what to get. For me, it’s so confusing.


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If you are still getting BSOD errors, even after a clean install, I'd say the HD is the likely culprit and it's corrupting itself. It also could be a bad RAM stick and believe it or not, a faulty CPU Chip. But that's REALLY-REALLY RARE. I've only had that happen to me ONCE in 32 years as a computer tech. Since you are on a laptop, it complicates things.

Unfortunately, Adobe's current products are relying heavily on the Graphics Card's GPU and dedicated Video RAM. Video Cards...that's a whole rabbit whole; they are almost like mini computers within computers and it's better to save up and get a Dell that already has a beefy Video Card, because it will save you time and money. It's not like computers were 20+ years ago. Now you have to make sure your motherboard has the type of slot that's required, AND if your power supply has enough power to support a beefy video card. It's so easy to blow $1500 on just upgrading the video card and it honestly sounds like you just can't afford it.

Now, what I would do, is take your laptop into a computer shop and have them replace the Hard Drive and do a fresh install of Windows 10 (While you still can.) You should be able to install a 1TB Samsung SSD Drive. They are like $90 bucks these days.   A repair should should be able to swap the drive and it's WAAAAAY Cheaper than you forking out $2000-$2500 for a new computer setup. Yep. Even if we went "Cheap," you are still around the $1600 price-point for just the computer, THEN you have to buy a monitor on top of it. The day's of the $999 Special are from the 1990's, those models don't exist anymore and if they do, I know for certain PS will complain. It's just become such a beast in 2025...this isn't PS CS6 anymore. 

The nice part with the Samsung SSD, is say I'm wrong and it's something else that can't be repaired. You can always remove that drive and install it as a 2nd HD in your new Desktop. So you really aren't throwing that much money away.

So that's my 2 Cents. Try a replacement HD and go from there.


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