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Lacie EHD beeping

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Is it clicking? Or Beeping? You might need to send it out for Data Recovery. What is actually happening?

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I just googled this, and it doesn't look good. The AI Bot states...



A beeping LaCie hard drive can be caused by a number of issues, including insufficient power, physical damage, or stuck read/write heads.

In which case it's really bad for you to mess with that drive if it's in a catastrophic state; the more you mess with it in a panic, the worse it gets and you will lose your data. I would reach out to these guys and see if they can give you a quote.

Gillware Data Recovery Services

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No clicking can be a "good" thing, as the clicking noise is the HD heads scrapping against the platters creating dust that contains your data. See this video to demonstrate what I'm talking about. That scenario is the worst thing you can have happen.

Now, LaCie uses cheap Seagate HDs, and that's why I stopped really recommending them. I'd contact Gillware and have them give you a quote. It's one thing if you can access the drive; that gives you a chance to use recovery software. It's whole other thing if you can't get to the drive at all. 

Before you ask, "What EHD do you recommend?" Honestly? None at this point. They are ALL practically garbage,  made from the cheapest components, from the lowest bidder for the parts. I seriously am thinking about recommending folks buy and internal high-quality drive, then buy a $20 external case to switch it over to an external. This way you can be sure of what drive you are getting. 

This is also why you should have your data backed up in multiple places and one even kept off-site. But that's a whole other thread.

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