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punchy edit

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I can not link to this image on her site, it is no longer there.  It is from Kate Parker's "Strong is the New Pretty" series which is a huge inspiration for me.  I love her punchy edits, especially her black and white with striking eyes and freckles.  I hope the above link works. This one from her site is similar but with a wide angle lens:


I am attaching an image I'd like to try it on.




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Ok, this one is similar but without the emphasis on the freckles...


or this one in color:


So, after you let me in levels, I will be able to recreate this type of crisp edit?  Does that mean you can't show me here because it is class content?  

Thanks!  I'm plugging away to get in there.  Was just hoping to see what you came up with here - love her style!

Edited by clphoto
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I just had a look back through all the links you'd provided.

Yes, the last photo you posted has a dark enough background, but it also has "panda eyes".  None of the examples have those eye socket shadows.

You need to look more closely at the photos you're finding.  How they're lit.

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Yes, definitely has more punch/crisp.... May I ask what method you are trying?  Thank You!

Will I learn about they eyes in levels?  right now I rely on an action and I'd like to learn the style similar to hers from scratch.

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