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Cropping for print - Am I doing it right?

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Hello, I've edited my photo and need to resize to print 11x14. I used the crop tool, but am not ending up with 11x14. I have two images and both are coming up 10.56x13.44 (resolution 300). Is this correct? I get that it's close, but it's not what I put in, so I'm confused. I do not have a resolution box as shown on Damien's file. (I have CS6.) Looking through all the cropping questions on the forum, it looks like I should have Scale Styles, Constrain Proportions, and Resample Image boxes all checked, is that correct? And, I have Bicubic Automatic listed. I think I've read all the info available here on this topic. Sorry that I'm still confused.

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7 minutes ago, AmandaGrace said:

Looking through all the cropping questions on the forum, it looks like I should have Scale Styles, Constrain Proportions, and Resample Image boxes all checked, is that correct? And, I have Bicubic Automatic listed.

No no no.  Those options have NOTHING to do with cropping.  You're reading those options from the Image Size dialog, and that has NOTHING to do with cropping.

7 minutes ago, AmandaGrace said:

Hello, I've edited my photo and need to resize to print 11x14. I used the crop tool, but am not ending up with 11x14. I have two images and both are coming up 10.56x13.44 (resolution 300). Is this correct? I get that it's close, but it's not what I put in, so I'm confused. I do not have a resolution box as shown on Damien's file. (I have CS6.)

Is this what you have?  https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/12960_10200455570738510_2011562893_n.jpg?oh=c8fd58cdd85605db892405e30d98aa79&oe=58E754BE

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Size & Resolution

Okay, so I put the values in there, and it worked! So why didn't it work from the toolbar??? And, then, I am pretty sure I read that the resolution doesn't matter but that some printers do require 300, so is there a second step where I need to adjust?


Edited by AmandaGrace
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Sorry, I read so much, I probably confused the difference between cropping for web and for print ;)
I guess my main printer actually says it doesn't matter! So, I guess I'm good to go then :D Thanks for your help!!!

Edited by AmandaGrace
Misread the printer's instructions - smh
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Come on Amanda, don't overthink this.  I've showed you where the "Size and Resolution" setting is for your crop tool.  That's the ONLY thing you need to know.  NEVER go to the Image Size dialog, ever.

Just choose your crop tool, enter the desired height and width, and the resolution that your lab requires (250 in your case).  Then crop.  That's all.

Then sharpen for print, save the jpeg, and send it off.

More info here.

Change your life here.

Oh, also, this one is vitally important.

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Well, as you said, I've just gotten different info from a lot of different places, and it's hard to sort out who's right. I really trust what you have to say. I can tell you've done a lot of work to find the best methods.
Now, you just said I could enter the lab requirement in the resolution box, but the tutorial says to leave it blank. So, it is okay to input a value if you need it? Is that what you mean? I did read all those links before :) And, yes, I hope to change my life someday soon! :D 


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I was referring to the Cropping Tutorial, but I see now that the section on Cropping & Resizing fits what you described. I wasn't thinking about it in that way. It probably didn't help that it was 2:30am here at the time ;) Thank you for helping to get me on track. I think I've definitely got it now :D 

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