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Everything posted by Nicole

  1. This is a hard question, and the answer really is up to you. Personally I believe if you are the only photographer you need to grit your teeth and do as many as you can for her. If she has hired another photographer, then you can just provide a few special ones. As a friend you need to sit down with her and discuss the expectations for the day because this is a situation that can strain a relationship.
  2. Don’t worry, I think I’ve fixed it. I googled like a mad woman, fumbled my way through a whole heap of crap. Somehow I ended up in the the disk Utility screen and hit first aid on everything and restarted. I got lucky and I know it! Lol
  3. Hi Brian. :-) My husband’s laptop has a white screen after start up. Apparently he did an update last night. It will start up okay and ask for the password to log in then nothing but a white screen . Any advice? Thanks
  4. Hi Laila, how many files do you have open in PS? Are the files 8bit or 16bit?
  5. Have you answered all the questions?
  6. Try this. http://www.damiensymonds.net/2015/10/correcting-eyes-distorted-by-glasses.html
  7. Hi Ephee, can you please provide this crop for a closer look. :-) http://www.damiensymonds.net/2013/09/grabbing-700x700px-100-crop.html
  8. Hi Jackie, are you in D's levels class?
  9. You also need this. :-) http://www.damiensymonds.net/art_tscs000.html
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