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    PC desktop
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  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 5D3, Sigma Art 50mm, Canon 70-200vii

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  1. Hopefully last question. Is it better to get the HDR 4K version? https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1547779-REG/dell_27_u2720q_ultrasharp_4k.html
  2. Just to confirm, is this 27" just as good? I currently have a 24" monitor and frequently wish it was just a bit bigger. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1457544-REG/dell_ultrasharp_u2719d_27_16_9.html
  3. Thanks! Are there any other monitors that are great too? Don't mind spending more if it will last a long time.
  4. Hi Brian, I am building a new computer this week and would like to upgrade my monitor as well. I've looked through the FB forum and the first couple pages here and the only suggested monitor I came across was this one: https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1457543-REG/dell_u2419h_ultrasharp_24_16_9.html Is this the only one you recommend? Would appreciate any suggestions I can check out and hopefully order one soon. Cheers!
  5. So I Googled some tutorials and looked through Google Images and that seems very much like the glow I see so often. Is this a good way to attempt it? Or do you have a better way? https://iceland-photo-tours.com/articles/photography-techniques/the-orton-effect-explained
  6. Like here. Tons of different colors, all super vibrant. https://www.noellemirabella.com/your-everything?lightbox=dataItem-k5burua5
  7. lol, I'm not particularly drawn to the way the people end up, but there are times I really want more punchy color, and she has a ton of it. All I know to do is using AL, which is a painstaking process for every color, because too much saturation creates clipping.
  8. I was browsing and saw an older post about Noelle Mirabella that didn't end up going anywhere. I realize that a massive part of her photos is styling, lens choice, lighting and location, but as far as the post-processing goes, how does she get the super rich and vibrant colors? And it looks like a lot of D&B as well? Scrolling back to the beginning of her portfolio, I see the colors weren't always so punchy, but is she really "hand-painting" every colored element in a photo? Or is there a tool and sliders to expedite the process? https://www.noellemirabella.com/your-everything
  9. Oh, I missed that monochrome was checked and the blending mode changed to soft light. So, if there was more shadowing, I may not need as much of the blue slider? Did you make the gradient, or is the one you used that first pre-made one in the "oranges" category of gradients?
  10. TY! Very helpful. So in moving the blue channel slider toward the white end, is that shifting the yellows toward blue? I assume this is specific to this photo, or will it always be a blue channel shift for this effect? As for the short of "glow" effect on the skin... D&B?
  11. Alright, I'm on my phone so will look for a website or something similar later when using a computer.
  12. That's odd. It embedded a link to her business FB page. From my view:
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