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Everything posted by acomb9709

  1. I have a PC laptop running windows 10 and Elements 14. It is over 2 years old, and has 4 gbGB of RAM. Its hard drive has 330GB free out of 578GB. The last time I shut down was more than 24 hours ago. I rarely run a cleanup program.
  2. approx 300 mb ranging from 308 - 320 tried a number
  3. because i have created shape and then gone to file place, it come up with the place lines over the top but the picture does not appear just the message hope this makes sense
  4. I think i have just answered my own question is it becaused it is a fixed size do i need to change it?
  5. Hi why when i am trying to place files in shapes created in storybooks they keep coming up as cannot place as file would be too big? Do I need to resize images as I thought when placed they automatically resized to fit no cropping or resizing was necessary?
  6. Ok that's what I thought so when finished and there are shapes how do you calculate sharpening numbers?
  7. I read the it a out the averages of the radius,s etc but the bit I am unsure of is when you creat the shape it may be a different size to the image size. So I am confused ?
  8. Hi just about to follow storybook tutorial on a large blank document. When I creat shapes, clip and insert pictures do I sharpen each picture before inserting or sharpen at end. This is very new the document will be approx 60 inches by 40 inches so the shapes will be large? Hope this makes sense
  9. not sure what happened but for some strange reason it seems to of adjusted itself mystery thanks for your time
  10. yes i am on my mac but i have also tried on windows it lets me select save or save as and change format to jpeg but then it does not show the dialogue box so i can alter quality i.e. baseline, 0-12 etc i am sure it used to ?
  11. When I select save option the JPEG dialogue box does not appear how do I know what quality JPEG it is saving? When would I use the save jpeg for web ?
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