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  • Main editing computer
    Mac laptop
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  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    2 Canon 6Ds
    70-200 2.8
    100 2.8 Macro
    50 1.4
    35 1.4
    Speedlights, strobes, modifiers, etc.

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  1. Ok... how awful is this? Is it at all plausible?
  2. That doesn't seem to work. Even when I open in ACR, the "default" option is greyed out, as if it thinks it's already on default. The only way to get rid of the settings seems to be to open ACR and use the "clear all" preset that came in the bundle of presets I was trying. Of course it's stuck on the absolute ugliest of the bunch...
  3. So I was playing around with batch editing with a preset in Bridge through cut/paste in Develop Settings. (Please Note: I know this is *not* how to do Raw processing and every image would have different raw settings, but I was just trying to get a feel for the features of Bridge.) Now, in punishment for my transgressions, all the images I upload to Bridge have these particular settings and I can't figure out how to turn it off. I have even tried the copy/paste technique with a different set of settings to see if that changed them and it still reverts to the first batch of settings I entered. Of course, I don't want *any* auto settings applied when I upload to Bridge, so how do I revert back to defaults? Help!
  4. No problem! I'm glad I asked you before beating myself up all week trying to do it myself!
  5. Here's another one. I know I blew out the skin a bit, but I was trying to process for the hair only. Also I think the images above might need better blacks for the hair, so I am reposting those too.
  6. Here are a few others. They aren't the best shots, but I hope the can work for our purposes.
  7. Hi Damien - My client asked me if I could fill in the newborn's hair on top if possible. I told her I would try, but it seems pretty daunting... Is it possible? This is SOOR. Thanks in advance.
  8. Luckily it was just a trial version. I found it much more confusing than Bridge.
  9. I was browsing them in Photo Mechanic, and it said Adobe RGB is the ICC profile...
  10. Yikes. So in the heat of the noonday sun, I neglected to tell the photographer I was working with to shoot in srgb. Now I have hundreds of files to process in Adobe RGB. Is there a way for me to convert all of them in a batch or am I completely screwed?
  11. Ah yes that worked. Thanks so much Christina! And thanks again to Damien! I have been wishing for this video for months; it has literally saved me hours upon hours of hair-pulling!
  12. Inverting the mask just swaps what is black and white, correct? Inverting it doesn't work for me or maybe I'm doing it wrong? He seemed to hide it entirely. The whole mask went black when he did it. Hmmm...
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