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  • Main editing computer
    PC desktop
  • Editing software
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon T3i, 50mm, 24mm

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  1. I brought this file over to PS to edit and when I look at it at the automatic 16.67% "fit to size", the edges of parts of the image is all jagged and terrible looking. If I zoom into just 25%, it goes away. If I save it as a .jpg it looks fine too. But it's super annoying to look at when I'm editing, it's all I can see lol.
  2. I should be on the wait list for it right? From back when I re-enrolled in RAW? I confirmed with you a few days later, you said something like early next year. I've been waiting for an email, please don't tell me I missed another one?! You just tell me what I need to do to get into deluxe RAW again and I'll do it tomorrow.
  3. I got with Adobe directly this morning and they were able to help me resolve this. They had me turn off the Use Graphics Processor option directly in ACR. Here is a ss for you. Thanks for all your help! On another note, can you message me if it's possible to go ahead and renew my levels class? I don't want to miss it like I did with my RAW Deluxe continuation lol.
  4. Okay, I ran Ccleaner and changed all the settings as provided in that link (tried them all one at a time) and it's still doing it. Not as bad but still enough to make it extremely hard to edit. Think it could be a video card issue?
  5. Of course. I have a PC desktop running Windows 10 and Photoshop CC. It is under 2 years old, and has 16GB of RAM. Its hard drive has 584GB free out of 921GB. The last time I shut down was just before posting this thread. I rarely run a cleanup program.
  6. All of a sudden my, less than year old PC, now does this when adjusting sliders in ACR. I don't even know where to start with something like this.
  7. I'm trying to use a collage template that I got off a blog. I noticed though when I open it in PS it Adobe rbg color space on the screen and when I upload an image into the template the colors are terrible. But if I open one of my processed images it's in the correct Srgb color space. How can I change that template to open in Srgb? Or am I screwed because this is how the blogger created the file? Attached is a screen shot of the template in my screen.
  8. Some how I mucked this up and now have a burnt orangish color instead of the grey. This color is way to distracting for me. Can you tell me how to get it back to grey? And what is that area technically called?
  9. I ran Damien's sharpen for web action and then later when I closed out the picture in PS I accidentally said Yes to saves changes to my .psd. Is there any way to get it back to where I can see all my layers again?
  10. I purchased the ASUS VS239H-P 23" IPS Monitor which is one of the recommendations on your site. Before I start calibration which mode should I have it in? It has Standard, Theater, Game, Night, Scenery and sRGB. I'm guessing it will be Standard or sRGB but wasn't sure which and before I went through that whole process I figured I better ask first.
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