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  • Main editing computer
    PC laptop
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  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon 7D

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  1. ah... ok.. will work on that! thanks...
  2. just a screenshot... really rough edit.. but using fade to smoth white floor.... and wanted to add back some texture with pattern. thx
  3. yes and no... i created my pattern, but cant seem to get it to work with my solid fill layer... feeling extra dumb .. and know i am missing something easy...
  4. i am using the blanket fade, but can not figure out the steps to add the pattern. Do you have written instructions for the pattern step?
  5. nope.. i didnt create any presets thursday... just some basic edits. logged in last night, and brushes were gone, actions (like your b&w action) gone... even some fonts gone! i had some backed up, so i am okay.... but really want to know what happened!
  6. worked in photoshop cc on thursday.. and all was well. yesterday all my brush presets are gone! i have tried a reset.. and searched for files with .abr extensions... and they are just gone!! there was a recent update... anybody else have this issue or have any ideas?
  7. it is slow going.. but i think i am getting there... thanks!
  8. This looks great.. can you share what you did? thanks a bunch!
  9. oh boy.. hope i fixed the issues... here is the 100 crop
  10. Hi Damien.. per your request, here is my photo where i am looking for some help with glare on eyeglasses, such as the one attached. thanks so much
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