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Posts posted by Aubrey

  1. Hey D, 

    long time no talk! I have been working on this pic over the course of several days and just tonight this blue line is now in my pictures. Do you know what it is or how to get rid of it? i need to print this pic asap.

    Screenshot attached

    thx, aubrey 


  2. Yes. My own laptop. But I was able to get it to the right settings within a couple of tries. This stupid monitor is stubborn and it seems I have to go through all 5-6 options of "native, etc", lights down, tick tock tick tock, lights up, compare, etc etc before I can get it right. Was just wondering if there was a calibrator that does this whole work flow faster....

  3. Yes I did. I'm mostly frustrated with how long it takes to fiddle thru each option just to find the one that matches my prints. Is there a better calibrator out there that has a quicker process than colormunki 1. Money is not an issue.  Saving time is my issue. Let me know your recommendation. 

  4. Hey D,

    So Im working on my hubby's monitor calibration and ive tried 3 times and it's just too dang blue. it's a pc desktop. it has a "blue light filter" option you can mess with on the actual monitor. Ive lowered it but the screen is still too blue, compared to my prints. Is there any way to fix this? im using my colormumki 

  5. Ya, he and his employees know how to get the color profiles for the magazine so I'll let them worry about that. But do I calibrate their comps just as I did mine, following your instructions? Or do I need to select different options BECAUSE they will be working in CMYK and not in SRGB. sorry if it's a stupid question. Hope it makes sense. Just don't wanna mess up the Hubby's business. ;)

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