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Everything posted by StudioPopJess

  1. What would be the best MacBook for my son to get for college? he won’t be doing photo editing
  2. how much time does it take because I have 40 sessions and 8 weddings to edit
  3. I can post a raw but it said I couldn't I've had this issue alot lately.. I do want to take the class, how long would you say it takes? I'd need to take when not busy LOL
  4. ok, I'm, very behind on delivering this wedding.. what do you suggest I do? I have to finish this
  5. for example... was trying to fix color and haze in about 50 images and I will remove the light stand on right and crop in if it makes it easier for me.. I didn't think a crop would make a different in color or the haze.
  6. ok, I may have cropped it in when I was removing the light stand
  7. oh, I have like 50.. it looks the same crop to me.. I removed the light stand .. applied your correction.. but then I used levels to darken more too to try to get rid of haze
  8. this is edited with what you said and I removed the light stand
  9. color is better, but the haze is still there ... is that the best that can be done?
  10. I guess I don't know how to do that.. Levels I always use the slider to make brighter or darker this is what I see with levels
  11. I will do this soon, was gone all day... anyway to fix the haze?
  12. Yep! This is my initial edit in Lightroom with the standard preset I use
  13. I have a bunch of these, I know you hate Lightroom , but I do use it and did dehaze.... don't hate me and yell at me please lol
  14. is there a way to send the raw? or do you want the jpeg?
  15. HI! I had made last minute decision in the chaos of this wedding to leave my light where it was so I could get the grooms reaction ( those photos don't look like this!) this is a screen shot, just a screen shot.. forgive me I haven't posted in a long time, the second is how I would normally edit that reflects my style.. but it makes the dad blue with spillover light.... I have never taken your raw class ( I know I know). just wondering if you can make any suggestions? thank you!
  16. I had it on 80, moved to 100 and now they are 27mb lol
  17. I've read different things! LOL. 100? 75?
  18. I'm sorry.. I tried to find this.. but when exporting in Lightroom what should my settings be? My internet has issues right now and my files are large... (11-12mb) and I'm trying to make sure I have it right, like if I could go smaller!) I know about aggressive cropping etc.... these aren't and they are cropped to 11x15.. off my r6.... just seeing!
  19. of course! just taking screen shots..I already had to deliver tho and fixed best I could
  20. not sure why my files are showing up strange.. but just need to fix this glare
  21. I tried the skin color method, but it colored the whites of the eyes
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