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Posts posted by KimMoore

  1. Hi Damien,

    I want to check that this colour space stuff is cemented in my head!

    If I edit in sRGB & convert to Adobe 1998 at the end of my workflow, the colours won't change.  But if I edit in Adobe 1998 & convert to sRGB they will?

    Thank you, my brain is a bit mush with this & I got my print to match the best they have been.  BUT, I edited the whole process from taking them in my camera to sending the files in Adobe 1998, as Queensberry suggested I give this a try.  🙈

  2. Thank you Brian, great information.  I have my prints back, re-calibrated my screen 6250k & they match much better.

    I do think my lights are a little yellow in my office, but until I can change them this works.  I took my prints outside & there were still on the warm side.

    Santa has ok'd a new monitor for xmas & wanting to check this looks like a good option.


    I really only want to do it once :)   Thank you for all your help.

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  3. Thank you this is great info & have had a read.  I currently have the calibrite display pro HL, which I see is one of the two top tier he suggest.

    However, it doesn't have the ambient light feature the Spyder X2 Elite has.

    I'm wondering if I give this a shot being my prints are warmer.


  4. Thanks Brian this is great information.

    I had a chat with Queensberry today to talk about the problems I'm having.

    They said they use this calibrator, it monitors the room ambient light etc. 


    Before I go out & buy this, what are your thoughts on this one?  As I'm having a problem with my prints being warmer than my screen I would consider the swap, but would love a penny for your thoughts on this calibrator.

  5. Ok, thank you that helps.

    I'm determined to get my prints to match better & trying to download Queensberry soft proofing profile.  Although I cant seem to add this to my computer.

    Would you be able to help with this?

    I can't seem to add the QB folder in that colour space drop down menu, there is my calibration.  Or maybe I am in the complete wrong place.


    Installing Queensberry’s Soft Proofing Profile

    In colour management, an ICC profile is a set of data that characterizes a colour input or output device.

    Before you can begin soft-proofing you must ensure your screen is calibrated, your photoshop working (colour) space is set up correctly and your other colour settings. Then you must download Queensberry Soft Proofing ICC profile.

    You need this profile installed in order to "preview/soft-proof" your image files (ie view them on your monitor as they will appear after we've printed them).

    Download the profile from this page and copy it into the Colour Profile folder on your computer.

    To do this, in the main finder menu select GO. Hold down option until Library shows up. Open that folder. Find ColorSync and then add the ICC profile to profiles, by dragging it into the folder.

    Now that you’ve installed our ICC profile, it’s time to link this profile to your Photoshop soft-proofing settings.


  6. Hi Damien,

    I'm going to send a few test prints to Queensberry in their correct colour space, Adobe 1998.  And see if this helps my prints match, I've always sent them in sRGB.

    Going forward, if this works, will I need to convert the files I upload onto the web & fb to sRGB, or can I leave them in Adobe 1998?

    And my last question, should there be a difference to the eye between the Adobe 1998 & sRGB photo?

  7. I'm having a few issues getting my prints to match my screen.  My screen is cooler than my prints.

    If I'm using Adobe 1998 for the lab, I should convert to sRGB before uploading?  I tried this yesterday & the two files are very different.

    I find all this colour space stuff very confusing. 


  8. Not great!  My prints are quite yellow.  When my husband gets home I will get him to pop our downlights out, to see if they can change settings.  I feel we put in daylight bulbs.

    What is the next step?  Is it new screen time

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