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  • Main editing computer
    Mac laptop
  • Editing software
    Lightroom with Photoshop
  • Monitor Calibrator
  • Cameras, lenses and other photographic equipment
    Canon R5, RF24-105 f/4, EF24-70 f/2.8, RF70-200 f/2.8, EF50mm f/1.8

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  1. Many thanks for your advice. I am already on PS2022- thought I had to keep my photoshop updated!
  2. Is it safe yet to update Apple OS to Monterey? Does photoshop work okay after the update?
  3. Sorry - I can't find it either - looks like the post has been taken down...
  4. Is this just the lighting or can this dark and moody effect be achieved in photoshop ?
  5. Hi Damien https://www.facebook.com/groups/PhotoshopLightroomgroup/permalink/4572338696128141/?__cft__[0]=AZV-mNCYUxbvDVY7h2f-XGdbrEBHkaVlo32Avsu5ybndxIFSnB7bAf1FyS0Atu3mbdbjZbuIwLU4u8pxGSy2d190UTJzOFvTOZiBrr6-xsGc-KNjBvetgW-a4icsaF9Jgg-MOE2wZxbT3Ujo5bJ0YF22&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R I saw this post and thought this blur effect could be a useful tool. The author of the post has given some instructions about half way down in the comments. I've tried to follow but am a bit lost from this section: "Next press & hold ctrl and leftclick on the filled layer and pull this layer onto your mask above" Also "Merge the two layers & clone from the bottom layer if there is anything you want to tidy up" Have no idea what to do with the first one & don't know how to "clone from the bottom layer" Can you help?
  6. Thanks Damien. Yes I noticed that lighting too, just seemed there was extra punch to the image, perhaps something as simple as his dodge and burn... or maybe the modifier he used.
  7. I like the look of this portrait, something seems different. Has this been achieved with lighting style or is it the editing? If it’s the editing how would you replicate it? https://www.instagram.com/p/CIiNVOXBcpz/?igshid=1e6zxc60g4ww6
  8. I've been working on this since yesterday & finally found a solution which hopefully might help others. In the security & privacy settings for files & folders, Adobe Bridge 2021 , removable volumes was unchecked. Once I checked this, Adobe Bridge 2021 was able to read the folders on my external drive.
  9. Hi Brian. My Mac can see all the files on my external drives, but Bridge won't read them any more. Bridge can see the storage drive in the list of folders but when I click on it , in the filter section is says "building criteria" and I cannot see my images as tiles/thumbnails. It stays like this for ages. I am wondering if I have a wrong setting that I am not aware of. I have not had this problem before. The external drive is a 2TB drive and approx 50% full. I am running the latest versions of creative cloud and MacOS.
  10. Hi Damien Please could you reactivate this link
  11. Hi Damien Please could you reactivate the link to your file. Thanks
  12. Thank you. Would you do this before levels work, or at the end?
  13. I quite like this sort of "crispy" look for a male urban environmental portrait. How could I achieve something similar with my uploaded soor file? https://www.instagram.com/p/B9dCpNqgw27/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
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