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Thoughts on gaming computers

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Hi Brian and Damien!

I've been looking in to purchasing a new desktop for editing for several weeks.  I've read your recommendations for processor speed, RAM, etc, and have come across this brand.  I've never heard of it before, and online research has found gaming reviews only.

What are your thoughts on gaming computers for our line of work?  Specifically this model, as it seems to have all the specs I would need and is (almost) in my price range.

Thanks for your advice! :)



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Repairs are definitely a concern.  This brand seems to be well known in the gaming community, but that doesn't really tell either of us where to take it if it breaks down.  Maybe a generic computer doctor type place, as opposed to somewhere like Geek Squad.


Does the price seem reasonable for the features that are included?  Or should I keep shopping around?

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Seems like an average price. I don't see what Motherboard they are using, but it's more than fine for photo editing. You might want to just get extra RAM and bump it up to 32GB. 

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