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Even more moire


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Hi, Damien.  I've tried using the duplicate layer>change blend mode to color> gaussian blur method you taught me previously.  That does the trick as far as getting rid of the pink rainbow.  But I'm left with the wavy pattern still.  What should I try next? (or instead?) I'm attaching the SOOR


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4 hours ago, AdrienneZ said:

Hi, Damien.  I've tried using the duplicate layer>change blend mode to color> gaussian blur method you taught me previously.

Yeah, no, that only works occasionally.  This one is too severe.

Give me a few minutes ...

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Hmm, I am missing something.  I am to click on each color in the dropdown and change to these numbers, correct?  
When I do that, I end up with a bluish monochrome image.

Blending mode, perhaps?


oh, masking would do it, yes?  (Sorry--my brain is just about dead today.)


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