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Covering Nipples

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Hi All,

I shoot boudoir and need to find a way to cover lady bits (primarily breast nipples) so I’m not in trouble on social media.  I’ve searched here in this forum as well as googled (“how to cover nipples in PS”) but nothing is turning up. All I’m getting is how to create/add nipples. 

Can someone give me a link or maybe give me instructions as to how to do it? The ONLY editing I know how to do is from the Raw Class so keep that in mind if you give me directions  

Thank you!


Edited by SWhit
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Thank you. No, I haven’t tried.  I will once I’m on the computer.  I don’t even know what a brush tool is Damien which I’ll be googling as well . I’m really sorry for bothering. I’ve never used any of this stuff.  It’s all a foreign language to me. I know a little about many things in the world BUT editing and its programs I do not.  THIS is why 1) I’ve paid people to edit for me and 2) why I even gave up on your classes and 3) why I signed up three times for the same Raw class. I. Do. Not. Know!  I’m not seeking attention nor am I trying to make things difficult. I really am trying to learn man, jeesh!

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It's not complicated, I promise. If you know where the B key is on your keyboard, and you know how to click with your mouse, that's all you need.

More importantly, trust that you can't do any harm. Just try it. That's how to learn.

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No, I'd already decided to move on to other images without nipples (even though several in that gallery has nippage ?).   I have about 7 or 8 to post.  Should I post one at a time and wait for your feedback OR is it ok to post each one (in separate postings) at one time?

In the meantime, I'll try the B button...

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I got it with the brush tool.  I hadn't signed online until just now so I hadn't even read your message until just now but I did work on several pictures and once I signed on to ask you how you wanted me to send them I saw your messages.  Thank you for the explanation and visual!

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