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Dianna Cameron

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Hi Damien


Some advice would be appreciated.


Can I get some help editing two images? I’m too inexperienced at this stage.


LUCIA:  I have just spent months painting Lucia for a friend. I am now about to start a second one.   I would prefer the second painting to be a brighter pink. I could just change the color when I’m painting it but because I’m learning a new painting method from markcarder.com,1400388042_LuciaoriginalforDMP.thumb.jpg.f386ab68cf996ee2cb2f4499156dabc0.jpgLucia.thumb.jpg.da675e9e94129aaf35d61e986bcbef65.jpg I must not alter anything. Is there anyone who could deepen the color of the dress without destroying the skin?

Thank you

Kind regards

Dianna Cameron



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I feel terrible, I'm wasting your time - that color is not even close  -- I might have to accept the fact that the color has to remain the same for the next painting. 

Is there anything you can do with Jeana in terms of focus and background? My Photoshop skills are so limited....I know I can change the background but I'm so clumsy and inept at this stage.

Thank you very much for your time and I truly apologise for wasting your time


Kind regards



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