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Same Develop settings in Bridge & LR

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Can I open a photo in Bridge, decide how I want to edit it, and then plug those same numbers into LR, export to PS as a PSD in sRGB 8 bit and get the same results; would it be the same as opening the photo from Bridge into PS (all with the same WB, exposure, contrast, highlights, etc)?

Edited by Rachelle T
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I just wondered if I could use Bridge to decide which numbers would actually be accurate, and then plug them into LR, that way I wouldn't really have to transition, which feels so overwhelming, that I just can't bring myself to complete a big project, because all my organization is in LR...

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I've had a new idea, haha.  I could still import my PSD files into LR and organize them (after I open them from Bridge into PS and save as PSD files).  IDK,  I'll do my best to just try to Ignore LR for now.  Adobe is so dumb!  They should just solve this problem, with today's technology there's no excuse.

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I organize all my folders by year and then month&year (or by last name if I take pictures for others). 

But, if I want to choose a group of photos to include on my website, or a group of photos to include in an printed photo album then I like to create a "collection" of those photos.  So everything stays nicely organized in their folders, but I don't have to search and search for photos everytime I work on a project.  Does that make sense?

Edited by Rachelle T
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