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i1 Colourimeter not recognised on iMac.

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Hello Damien,

Just discovered you web site and it's been very helpful.

I've recently bought an i1Display Pro for calibrating my iMac (running macOS Mojave, version 10.14.6). However, the colourimeter is not recognised by the i1Profiler software, although it is visible to the computer. I've tried all of the possible fixes recommended by X-Rite, downloaded all the latest software and restarted my computer a dozen times. Still nothing. The word 'Demo' appears in the Workflow Selector.

I once got as far as the 'Measurement' window but nothing happened with I pressed 'Start Measurement'. A yellow exclamation mark and a red question mark appear. It says 'Device ready' in bold, with 'Device not ready' under that. 

The colourimeter seems to work fine using the DisplayCal software, though the result from that calibration left me with a pretty dark screen.

I also contact X-Rite directly. The best they could offer was that my device was for Dell computers only as it had OEM in the serial number. I did buy it from Dell, though their web site included Mac specifications.

Is there anything else I can do to solve this problem?

Many thanks.

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Many thanks for you reply.

Haven't done that but will do this weekend. The calibrator works fine if I use DisplayCal but not with the i1Profiler software. X-Rite suggested that I had a Dell-only calibrator, so the Mac software will not recognise it.

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Yes, indeed. I bought new online. I thought it was odd too, because there's no mention of that on their software. It did come in a plain cardboard box, rather than X-Rite packaging.

This is what they said in their email reply: 




Your device is not licensed for i1Profiler software.

From your Article No. IEI1D3DCOEM we can see it is produced for Dell Computers

Means it will only work with Dells PC software.



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Not sure if I can. It's impossible to get through to them on email. When I rang Dell's helpline they didn't even know what a colour calibrator was or what it was for, even though it's up on their own web site. When I mentioned that it was for a Mac, they said in an automaton voice that they only dealt with Dell computers and I would have contact Mac! 

As I said, the device works on the same computer using DisplayCal, so it seems to be a software problem. Anyway, I'll try to speak to Dell again.

Many thanks for your help.

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