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NILMDTS retouch request- 1 photo

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Mom sent me this knowing I can't possibly edit but offered to ask others. He passed Sunday and she really loves this one photo from a month or two ago but he had tubes and a binkie that they'd love removed if possible, even if it has to be a painting or drawing. Attaching tube pic and pic after he passed. Thanks for anything that anyone can do



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Please ignore the awful masking and the very quick edit, but before I do anything else to it, what would you change about the face shape/positioning of the nose and mouth etc? Does everything look reasonably in proportion and in the right place?


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Please don't send it to her yet (well, you're very welcome to but it's only a first draft) - the photos were only quickly put together so there are still lots of bits round the edges that need some work. So glad you like it though 

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This is still totally a work in progress as I haven't been at home tonight so I've just made a few quick changes. The second photo is quite small so there isn't much detail there to save when it's combined with the other one, but I've added a few shadows to try and give some definition. If you'd like me to send you the psd so you can make changes yourself, please let me know.


Everything is taken from the two photos that you attached though

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I'd love to have it!!!! You're awesome!! Baby was African American so the only change would be to make him a bit browner if possible. But she's gonna love this. Let me know if you want my email or what. Thank you a million times over!!!!!

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I'll make a few more changes tomorrow and then send it over (it's almost 2am here now). If you could send me your email address that would be great, thank you :-)

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How does this look? The psd is massive but I'll email you the full size jpeg to make any changes you'd like to make to it. After adjusting the exposure his skin seems quite light in the one with the tubes so I've altered it a bit but not too much 


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His face was very swollen in the second picture so I tried to make it look as it would have done if it hadn't been

And the right (his left) half of the top lip was duplicated and flipped

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