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Crystal Felton

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  • Main editing computer
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  • Monitor Calibrator
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  1. I have no idea ooop...no I didn't see that prob why it's so cheap on amazon
  2. I'm looking for a new, big monitor. Does this one look good? https://www.amazon.com/LG-32ML600M-B-Inch-Full-Monitor/dp/B07PDHSVSW/ref=psdc_1292115011_t3_B088YN9LBK
  3. would it have to be visible? what about poking it through the fabric, where it turns? then you'd only have to clone the small hole or even inside the pieces of ribbon, if it's doubled?
  4. yeah...I'm also with the wire idea...can you wire the ribbon, then put some fishing line to assist holding it up? the rest is just shot on white, so you shouldn't need to cut out?
  5. yes, exactly. The one on the left was my Ps screen, the one on the right was after upload to Facebook (at their 2048px size) gotcha. I knew you had an article, but my search this am didn't bring up that one
  6. she didn't choose that image, so I didn't finish editing I will give it a try soon though, for my own reference
  7. It's a thing, right? Even if your images are sized properly? I'm being told if you use the 'proper settings' FB doesn't cause/exacerbate banding. Are these the same?
  8. ok! I'm about done editing for tonight, but will prob get back to this Sat. Thank you!!
  9. Can you please advise the best way to fix this moire? it looks like there's two separate areas, and I wasn't sure how to tackle.. thanks!
  10. Getting it right in camera, then only minor adjustments. I don't do full skin work for many images
  11. yeah, this was just a quick start to see how far I could get easily. it's not a huge deal, but I'd love to provide it for them if I can. Yes, when I get home, I will post a close-up. Also, I probably have lots of other suit fabric to choose from (if that helps). I did all of the bridal party in this same place/light.
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