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How to make her top appear even...

Tina B.

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Awesome, thank you!  I have never ever done this or anything like it so I am eager to give this my best shot.  I read very carefully the tutorial (link) and went through various parts of the layers and masks class to refresh my memory.  When you say "use a big clone brush," do you mean choose the clone stamp tool?  And make the brush big?  I played with the tool briefly but it said I needed to choose a source point...that would be selecting skin (color) from that immediate area.  Right?  I've never done this before so please forgive me for asking what may seem like a silly question to you.

What I did so far is click on my "background" and did "ctrl J" and renamed the new layer, "Clone."  That's all I have done so far.  Just want to be sure I understand each step of the way...

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  On 7/31/2016 at 3:16 AM, Tina Bremer said:

When you say "use a big clone brush," do you mean choose the clone stamp tool?


That's right.

  On 7/31/2016 at 3:16 AM, Tina Bremer said:

I played with the tool briefly but it said I needed to choose a source point


That's right, you have to Alt-click where you want the detail copied from.  If you've never used the Clone Tool before, I suggest finding a YouTube video about it.

  On 7/31/2016 at 3:16 AM, Tina Bremer said:

What I did so far is click on my "background" and did "ctrl J" and renamed the new layer, "Clone."  That's all I have done so far.  Just want to be sure I understand each step of the way...


Actually, it's not necessary to do Ctrl J in this case.  You'll see in my file that I used blank layers instead.

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I've been away for a bit so I am going to try to work on this image.  When you say "blank layer," would that mean that I click on "create new layer" and this new layer goes above the background.  Do I understand correctly?


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Okay...I have watched several youtube videos.  Clearly I am doing something wrong because I am clicking on a source but instead of it showing up like skin color, red blotches are appearing instead.  I am SO frustrated.  What should my sample be on?  And I am including the image so you can see what is happening.  Red blotches.  I don't understand....



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Ok...I have studied your file and it appears that you cloned the belly part separate from her arm.  Am I confused or is that what you did?  This is so hard but I am determined to do this!

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The color fill.  I have clicked on it a dozen times (on the file you provided) or more and the color fill makes it look more refined.  The edge looks refined.  Is that the purpose?  And I have no idea what you did to do that.  Do you use a brush?  Could you briefly explain the process? 

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I guess I don't know what shadow looks like when it's added.  I've never done this before.  So...how to create shadow.  Could you explain this to me?  If you want me to google it, that's fine, I just need to know what I'm searching for.  "Adding shadows?" 

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