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Saving multiple images for output from bridge

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I have created and been using the actions you taught to create in PS for preparing digital files for high resolution and facebook output. I am trying not to revert back to LR for weddings and am wondering if it is possible to batch save images in the same way without having to open each image in PS and save using the actions as many images will simply need RAW processing and no more. I have also been dragging my logo onto each file before saving for facebook so is there a way to do this too.

Many thanks,



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Are you using the right actions?  Damien's web actions include a watermarking step to automate that entire process.  And if you read all the instructions, he covers using Image Processor to run the actions so you never have to open a single file in PS. 


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Thanks Christina for your reply. I finally found time to check this out and it seems exactly what i need however during the 'fit' stage it actually crops my image and i cant figure out how to correct it. any help would be gratefully received!

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Do you know why when I batch process in bridge, when the raw images are opened in acr before the action is run in Photoshop why they often take on the slider and crop settings from the previous image? It's getting rather annoying finding they are suddenly cropped or dodgy wb after output. Good job I check mine through before handing over!

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